Why your business needs marketing case stories

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When it comes to creating quality content for B2B marketing, all too often case stories are overlooked.  However, if you’re marketing an industrial business or a B2B luxury product or service, case stories could be the star of your content marketing strategy.

B2B Marketing Case Study for an Industrial Business by Molokini

In fact, according to the Content Marketing Institute 2018 report, case studies are the most effective type of content for marketers in the UK – packing more of a punch when it comes to achieving strategic business objectives than social media posts or white papers.

Here are a few more reasons why you should add B2B case stories to your marketing plan.

PR case studies

Whether you’re an industrial or luxury brand, case studies can form the basis of powerful PR. They provide third party endorsement of your marketing messages, making them more impactful and less salesy.  What’s more, they provide great ways to fill your PR plan when you’re short on real news.  Better still, editors love B2B PR case stories so you can secure some great press coverage.

Case study blogs

Once you’ve got the details of your customer case study, this can be easily converted into a blog post for your website, adding variety and giving you long form content that you can ensure contains the right keywords and links. This also gives you something to talk about on your social media channels.

Marketing testimonials

You may have testimonials on your website, and that’s great. However, extending those testimonials into full case stories provides context and makes them much more helpful to a customer that is considering working with you.  It also gives you fresh, relevant website content that can support your SEO and improve your Google ranking.

Supporting the sales pipeline

Your customers are your best sales people! By designing your case study content into an eye-catching and succinct document, you can create a fantastic tool to drive sales. Whether it’s a website download promoted via email marketing or a printout for your sales team to share at meetings, events and exhibitions, a case study can help turn an enquiry into an order.

Molokini case stories

Case stories have a reputation for being time-consuming and tricky to pull together.  However, our expert Molokini team have years of experience in delivering high-impact, pain-free case stories for the transport, logistics, manufacturing, construction and other industrial sectors. We can manage the whole process for you, including the approval process with multiple parties.

With our industry knowledge, we know the right questions to ask to get the best story, and importantly, we understand the answers!  Wherever possible, we’ll conduct a case study interview face to face for the best results, whether in the UK or overseas.

There’s no substitute for being on a customer site when it comes to getting a flavour for the operation and taking great photos, but if that’s not possible, we can still get to the heart of your story through conference calls, phone conversations or email interviews.

Marketing case story package

Our marketing case story package can be added alongside any of our other PR, content, digital marketing or web services, or delivered on a standalone basis.

Depending on needs, we can produce case study press releases, blogs, social media posts or other content marketing collateral.  Our studio can also provide professional photography, video and graphic design services to support your case study as required.

Contact Molokini to discuss how we can support you with case studies for marketing that will make a difference to your business.