Pyroban asks “Are you active?” at EUROPACK 2019

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At EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA 2019, Pyroban® will be asking visitors ‘Are you active?’, encouraging businesses to consider their approach to keeping people safe in, and near to, zoned hazardous areas.

Pyroban asks “Are you active?” at EUROPACK 2019

“Many applications in the supply chain from manufacturing and packaging, to transport and warehousing, include Zone 2 hazardous areas where an explosive atmosphere is possible,” says Virginie Waldron, Sales Manager for France, from explosion protection safety company Pyroban.

“In these areas active gas detection on mobile equipment is essential to help protect people – without it operators can be ‘blind’ to the presence of potentially explosive gas or vapour,” she continues.

Zone 2 areas are commonly found in operations in the beverage, logistics, cosmetics, chemical, pharmaceutical, waste and logistics industries, among many others. Active gas detection systems, such as Pyroban’s system6000™, help keep these Zone 2 operations safe by alerting drivers to the presence of an explosive atmosphere.

On Pyroban’s stand at EUROPACK, from 19-21 November in Lyon, France, visitors will be able to see a working system6000 gas detection console, which can be fitted to materials handling equipment. They will be invited to activate the system with an aerosol containing butane gas to see how it visually and audibly alerts drivers of potential danger.

Pyroban’s system6000 is a materials handling equipment conversion which combines active gas detection with other specialist protection technologies to help keep people safe in Zone 2 hazardous areas. It can be applied to most makes and types of diesel or electric equipment, such as reach, pallet, stacker and counterbalance trucks, VNA and picking equipment.

system6000 conversions are completed at the Pyroban factory in the UK in as little as six weeks. With a quicker conversion, the truck can be put into action sooner, maximising uptime, productivity and profitability.

On the Pyroban stand, EUROPACK visitors will also see a live demonstration of Gascheka™ – Pyroban’s active gas detection system for designated ‘safe areas’. Fitted on site to equipment such as forklifts, cranes, shutters and shrink wrap machines, Gascheka can get users active in less than one day, making designated ‘safe areas’ even safer.

“When you are handling any type of potentially hazardous materials, gas and vapour can easily cross from Zone 2 areas into what is considered a ‘safe’ area and put people in danger,” explains Virginie. “Our Gascheka™ active gas detection system can be used with any equipment, of any age, to keep people safe in these areas.”

During the show, visitors can also learn more about Pyroban’s materials handling equipment conversions for Zone 1, 21 and 22 applications, which present different explosion risks, and its best in class service, which actively supports customers worldwide with parts, engineer training, technical support and Annual Safety Audits (ASA). These solutions not only help protect people but also keep lifetime equipment costs low.

To learn how Pyroban can help applications actively protect people from explosion risk, visit Hall 6, Stand F30.G29 at EUROPACK EUROMANUT CFIA from 19th – 21st November 2019 at EUREXPO, Lyon, France.

Are you active?

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