Hazardous industries in Asia benefit from local “Pyroban” Ex conversions and support

Home Latest Hazardous industries in Asia benefit from local “Pyroban” Ex conversions and support

Pyroban has reconfirmed its commitment to driving safety in Asia through its collaboration with PROTECT, which delivers explosion protection forklift conversions throughout the region. Customers across Asia will benefit from Pyroban quality, local pricing, highly experienced support, local language communications, and being in the same time zone.

通过与派若泰克(PROTECT)公司的合作,派若搬(Pyroban)得以践行其致力于在亚洲区域驱动安全作业的使命和承诺,派若泰克公司可为亚洲区域的客户提供防爆叉车改装服务。 亚洲区域各地的客户将受益于派若搬产品的高品质和本地价格、经验丰富的优质服务、使用本地语言、无时差无障碍的沟通交流。

Pyroban in ChinaPROTECT is a long-standing partner based in Suzhou China, and is led by Colin Easen, a former Pyroban employee from the UK. Colin helped set up and run Pyroban Suzhou when the company had a manufacturing facility in China, primarily supporting the country’s large chemical, petrochemical and coatings industries.

派若泰克公司位于中国苏州工业园区,是派若搬的长期合作伙伴,由派若搬的前英国雇员Colin Easen领导。Colin先生曾协助派若搬在中国苏州设立工厂并运营,该工厂主要为中国的大型化工,石化和涂料行业提供服务。

“Colin set up PROTECT to provide after sales services to Pyroban’s existing customers in Asia under a collaboration agreement, and has more than 20 years’ experience in Pyroban Ex protection systems,” says Steve Noakes, Pyroban’s General Manager who previously worked at Pyroban China and lived in Suzhou.

“根据双方合作协议,由Colin设立派若泰克机械设备(苏州)有限公司为派若搬在亚洲区域的现有客户提供售后服务,Colin在派若搬的防爆防护系统方面拥有20多年的经验”, 派若搬公司总经理Steve Noakes介绍说。Steve Noakes曾经是派若搬苏州工厂创始人并在苏州居住多年。

Pyroban and PROTECT have successfully collaborated to complete many explosion proof forklift truck conversions for customers in Asia who seek “Pyroban” product quality and certification without having to send the trucks to the Pyroban factory in the UK for conversion.

派若搬和派若泰克已经成功合作多个防爆改装项目,为亚洲区域寻求“ Pyroban”品质和认证的客户提供防爆叉车的改装服务,而无需将设备运送到英国的派若搬工厂进行改装。

Through close technical collaboration with the UK factory, PROTECT successfully converts trucks to the Pyroban quality standard with kits of parts from Pyroban and using PROTECT’s skilled engineering and production staff and dedicated facility.


Colin Easen, General Manager of PROTECT says: “Pyroban conversions in our Chinese facility provide reduced lead times for our Asian customers, who are then supported directly through the team at PROTECT. We hold a large stock of approved Pyroban parts to ensure timely shipments and we are actively supported by Pyroban’s parts and technical support teams in the UK.”

派若泰克公司总经理Colin Easen说“在中国工厂为亚洲区域的客户实施派若搬的防爆改装可大幅缩减交货时间,客户可直接享受派若泰克的本地服务。我们有经派若搬批准的大量的库存零配件,可及时发货,因为我们拥有英国派若搬的零配件及技术团队的积极支持。”

PROTECT also provides support for oil and gas industry customers requiring explosion proof diesel engines including pre-sale interfacing, local execution if appropriate, and after sales support.


PROTECT provides solutions and after sales support for Zone 1, 2, 21, and 22 hazardous areas and supports equipment OEMs, suppliers and end users in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, India, and other Asian countries. This caters to increasing demand for explosion proof equipment in a range of industries across Asia such as the manufacture and logistics of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, coatings, inks, food, drink and waste as well as military and oil and gas applications.


To contact PROTECT:


Chinese speaking support line:


+86 512 6275 6800
+86 137 7182 3318
+86 134 0506 3028

or English Speaking support line:


+86 151 5149 4877

or E-mail address:



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Alternatively contact Pyroban directly on email:



or call:


+44 (0) 1273 456800