Extech Cloud on future trends and making hybrid working work

Home Latest Extech Cloud on future trends and making hybrid working work

As businesses across Sussex, and beyond, continue to adapt to hybrid working, what does the future hold? Managing Director of Extech Cloud, Andrew Hookway, presents some of the biggest technology and employee trends of 2022.

hybrid working

Widespread Adoption of BYOD Programmes

A Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) programme can hugely benefit an organisation, lowering expenditure on hardware, and facilitating ease of use for employees. This can pose a security concern without a formal BYOD policy. Luckily, advancements in virtual desktop and cloud PC technology enable businesses to successfully implement a BYOD program, whilst maintaining a strong security posture. Throughout 2022 we are likely to see a boom in businesses using Azure Virtual Desktop (AVD) and cloud PCs with Windows 365 to leverage the benefits of BYOD programs.

Emphasis on Security

Four in 10 businesses reported some form of cyber breach or attack in 2021, often due to a lack of preparation and evolving cybercriminals tactics. With the continued rise of ransomware, it’s essential to have technology in place to prevent attacks, as well as a backup solution to enable efficient disaster recovery in the event of an attack. This is the year to invest in a comprehensive cybersecurity solution and a cloud backup solution.

Passwordless Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA), an authentication process requiring two or more forms of identification to log in to an account, can prevent 99.9% of account compromise attacks. The next major advancement is to stop using passwords altogether, which is possible due to recent innovations in biometrics, identity protection, and the FIDO (Fast IDentity Online) alliance. More businesses will stop using passwords throughout 2022 to increase security and improve the user experience.

Widespread Adoption of Zero Trust Principles

The gold standard for cybersecurity is constantly evolving. Until now, business have focused on securing the network perimeter from outside intrusion. The zero-trust security model assumes that there are malicious actors both inside and outside a network, so all requests must be authenticated and authorised. Least-privilege access states that users should only have access to the data they need to do their job. Tech giants and smaller businesses alike have begun adopting zero-trust architecture.

Employee trends and expectations

Business leaders will notice that employee expectations have changed with the advent of hybrid working. On the whole, employees (especially the younger generations) have a new “worth it” equation, in terms of what they want from work, and what they’re willing to give in return. In today’s climate, employee engagement and retention are a huge focus for many businesses. The office needs to be worth the commute, and business leaders need to understand the value of flexibility and wellbeing. “Flexible working” doesn’t mean “always on”.  To help employees achieve a healthy work-life balance, a focus on relationship-building and social capital are as important as providing the tools and environment they need to work effectiely, in a way that suits them.

Migrating to the Cloud

Moving to a hybrid work model provides employee benefits of remote working, such as a healthier work-life balance, improved flexibility, and increased productivity, combined with the benefits of office-based work, which can promote better workplace connectedness, easier communication, and collaboration. Many factors are required to create an effective and secure hybrid workplace, particularly technology and IT systems.

Learn more at the Sussex Business Show 2022

Andrew Hookway is a keynote speaker at the 2022 Sussex Business Show, on 5 May at the South of England Showgrounds in Ardingly, West Sussex. Leading the afternoon Technology Focus workshop, Andrew will talk about Cloud-based IT services and solutions and additional trends that are reshaping businesses in 2022.

The Sussex Business Show is a hybrid B2B tradeshow event that brings together Sussex–based companies from start-ups to global organisations. Register for a free ticket at www.sussexbizshow.com.
For businesses considering migrating to the cloud, contact Extech Cloud on 01444 443200, or info@extech.co.uk, or visit www.extechcloud.com.